Friday, March 19, 2010


Last night was our last hypnobirthing class.  We met in the lobby of the Clatanoff Pavillion, which is also the labor and delivery waiting room.  There were fifteen people waiting there, chatting.  They seemed to be there together, probably all waiting for the same birth. 
After our guided meditations and birth videos, after we practiced laboring positions, we took our tour of the labor and delivery ward.  The second floor is labor and delivery; the third floor is recovery.
The ward looks like a Comfort Inn and Suits, but with a nursing station and wider doors.  We five stood outside one of the doors, and our teacher explained how the ward was designed, where triage was, and how the staff encourages laboring mothers to walk the halls. 
The large door we were standing by opened.  A boy that looked like a frat boy walked out.  He was wearing madras shorts, flip flops, a white hat, and a Domo tee shirt.  He had scruffy brown hair and flushed cheeks and a big smile.  He could have been strutting into the Tombs with his bros.  As the door shut behind him, he looked at our group and put his fists in the air.  “It’s a boy!” he told us.  He had a few cigars in his hands.  We said congratulations as he strutted toward the ward door to tell his large family.  

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